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In current centuries, emphasis has moved from previous resources and compounds to lightweight substances to generate softer, most effective components for particular needs. Using organic kenaf fibers with nanoreinforced epoxy polymers in a blended microbially nanocomposite can improve properties and be environmentally friendly. Adding …
Kenaf is an annual dicotyledonous herbaceous plant, which classified to the Malvaceae family. This plant is related to okra (Hibiscus esculentus), hollyhock (Althaea rosea), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) (Scott and Taylor 1990; Pascoal et al. 2015).According to Dempsey (), kenaf is a short day plant, which …
Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is an annual spring crop with origin from Africa, where still semi-wild kenaf can be found ( Cheng et al., 2004). It belongs to the Malvaceae family and in section Furcaria and is closely related to cotton and roselle. It is a short day crop that can be cultivated from 30° S to 45° N.
In the global market, kenaf is regarded as an industrial crop. Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L., Malvaceae) is an annual warm-season crop, relative to cotton, and from historic times has been suggested by many researchers for use as both fodder crop and fiber (Taylor 1992; Webber 1993).Kenaf is the traditional crop in Thailand, certain areas …
Kenaf bast fiber was supplied by Lembaga Kenaf and Tembakau Negara. The fiber was ground and sieved to remove foreign materials, such as sand and dust, and produce kenaf bast powder. Kenaf bast, the size of 100 μm, was soaked in 7.5% sodium hydroxide for 24 h before being hydrolyzed with acid to remove impurities and soften the fibers.
Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is a commercial fibre crop, cultivated mainly for its stem and stalk for the production of biocomposites, paper, fibre boards and bioplastics, and biofuel. …
The sequencing of the kenaf genome will enhance understanding of the genetic mechanism on bast fibre development, as it has for jute (Islam et al., 2017). Kenaf was presumably domesticated in Africa and exhibits a wide range of adaptation to different climates and soils (Zhang et al., 2015a). Kenaf has gained much attention worldwide due …
Natural fibre is a well-known reinforcement fibre in polymer-matrix Composites (PMC) lately. Natural fibre has fast growing and abundance properties which make it available at very low cost. For kenaf fibre there is long lists of research projects which have been done regarding its behaviour, and properties and modification made to …
Data regarding the conversion of kenaf to fibre when using kenaf high decorticator machines were provided from Kenaf Processing and Marketing Centre (CMPC) in Malaysia. The results showed that the total estimated quantity of carbon footprint of kenaf cultivation in the studied areas as well as the farms was about 0.750 tonne CO 2 /tonne.
Kenaf is a short day annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the Malvaceae, a family notable for both its economic and horticultural importance. The genus of Hibiscus …
Kenaf polymer composites are fabricated via processing technologies based on thermoforming, thermoplastics, and thermosets. Thermoplastic processes, such as compression molding, pultrusion, extrusion, and solution blending, have been adapted but are limited to two-dimensional structures based on polymer composites.
Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is a fiber plant native to east-central Africa where it has been grown for several thousand years for food and fiber. It is a common wild plant of tropical and subtropical Africa and Asia. It has been a source of textile fiber for such products as rope, twine, bagging and rugs.
The ones fed raw kenaf seed-based (10% inclusion) meal had higher weight gain and live weight, implying that kenaf seed is a good source of protein and can be included in broiler diets without negatively affecting performance or carcass quality (Kwari, Citation 2011). However, there is limited information on the utilisation of kenaf as food and ...
Kenaf or its scientific name Hibiscus Cannabinus L. is a non-woody fibrous tree and is a short-term crop. Kenaf belongs to the family of Malvaceae and is under the genus Hibiscus, which has similarity to the genus of cotton. The plant is also cultivated in China, Myanmar and Indonesia. 2.
Salt stress significantly increased the MDA content and enhanced the activities of SOD, POD, and in kenaf roots (Fig. 2-E, F, G and H), indicating that lipid peroxidation occurred in kenaf under salt stress and the plants increased their own antioxidant enzyme activities to resist external salt damage.In contrast, exogenous SA …
CO 2 adsorption. The CO 2 adsorption on kenaf adsorbent was conducted in a pressure swing adsorption system (PSA). In this study, the effect of different types of amines and effect of amine loading were evaluated. The performance of amine-functionalized kenaf was evaluated using single column adsorption. 3.4.1.
Abstract. Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinusL.) is a valuable plant with a potential health benefit because of its extensive bioactive compounds. Leaf extracts of 33 kenaf …
Kenaf fiber can be used as fuel for combustion in boilers, as it is rich in cellulose and lignin compounds (Saba et al. 2015). Kenaf core fiber powder after absorbing oil/ hydrocarbon compound in the petroleum-contaminated wastewater has the potential to be used as fuel. There is a research about utilizing kenaf fiber in water treatment.
This study has investigated the chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of leaves and stems of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) harvested throughout the growing season. Kenaf ('Everglades 41') was planted in June 2011 and harvested at 25, 50 and 75 days after planting (DAP). Crude protein (CP) in leaves was more (P < 0.01) than double …
kenaf is an important industrial crop of traditional hemp spinning industry. With good bacteriostasis, ventilation and moisture retention as well as quick water dispersal and degradation of natural fiber, fibrous materials of kenaf are widely applied in R&D and production of automobile lining, plastics, agricultural paper films,
Hibiscus cannabinus was identified as one of the weeds growing in cotton ( Gossypium) and sunflower ( Helianthus annuus) fields in Botswana at a density of 0.4 plants/m 2 ( Abdullahi, 2004 ). It was also reported in maize ( Zea mays) fields in western Kenya, but impact on crop yield was not discussed ( Ngome et al., 2012 ).
In Kenaf seed, cell viability was reduced to 33.8% by ETH, while EA decreased 29.7% cell viability at the highest concentration. In contrast, ETH (26.4%) and EA (23.6%) of Kenaf leaves also manifested moderate anticancer activity. Interestingly, NHX demonstrated toxicity against NIH3T3 cells, and ETH was found to be safe for NIH3T3 …
Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) is an annual herbaceous dicotyledonous plant, belongs to the Malvaceae family, is widely distributed in Asia and Africa, and grows …
Kenaf average absorption rate for nitrogen (0.81 g/m 2 /day) and phosphorus (0.11 g/m 2 /day) from the soil is several times higher.. It can accumulate carbon dioxide at a considerably higher rate. It has a higher photosynthesis rate than orthodox trees (Nishino et al. 2003; Nishino 2004). Kenaf fibre compared to glass fibre exhibits high specific …
In general, kenaf seed is high in protein and fat content which comprises of 21.9–30.5% and 22.1–24.8%, respectively. Kenaf seed was also reported to have a …
Kenaf stems have a thin bark over a woody core, surrounded by a leaf tuft (Kaldor 1989) (Fig. 1.1a). The stems contain two major fibertypes, one with long fiberssitu - ated in the cortical layer, and the other with short fibers located in the ligneous zone. The central area of the stem, corresponding to pith, consists of sponge-like ...
This study has investigated the chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of leaves and stems of Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus L.) harvested throughout the …
Kenaf is a major crop in Africa and Asia, where it is used for various cordage products such as rope, twine and burlap. In construction, it is used for thermal insulation of walls, floors and roofs and soundproofing solutions, while in furniture, is it used in the manufacturing of medium-density fibreboard (MDF) and other wood composite materials.
Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is an industrial crop belonging to the Malvaceae family and it is mostly cultivated for its exceptional air permeability, …